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Privacy Policy

Welcome to the website! The website is operated by KOENLOY  PTY LIMITED. If the user accesses, books or uses the products or services of Easy Tour on Easy Tour website, Easy Tour travel APP, Easy Tour affiliates' websites or other mobile applications or software provided by Easy Tour (hereinafter referred to as "Easy Tour website") (collectively referred to as "Services"), please consider that the user accepts the following privacy policy. By accessing, booking or using the products or services of ProYoYou (collectively referred to as the "Services"), you are deemed to have accepted the following privacy policy, please read the following carefully, especially the bolded text below. If you do not agree to any of the following, please stop visiting/using this website or any other mobile application or software immediately. In this Privacy Policy, the terms "Easy Trip" and "we" and "us" refer to Easy Trip, and the terms "user" and "you" refer to the voluntary acceptance of this Privacy Policy. " refers to the user who voluntarily accepts this privacy policy.



I. Confirmation and acceptance of privacy policy



Respecting users' personal privacy is one of the basic policies of Easy Tour. The website of Easy Travel is a collection of travel service information provided by qualified hotels, airline ticket agencies, travel agencies and online taxi operators and service providers on Easy Travel for users to check, and also helps users to contact the above hotels, airline ticket agencies, travel agencies and online taxi operators and service providers through Easy Travel and book related travel services. Before using our products and/or services, you should carefully read and confirm that you have fully understood the contents of this privacy policy and have agreed and accepted all the terms of service with KOENLOY  PTY LIMITED. We attach great importance to the protection of users' personal information and privacy security, we understand that the information you provide to us through the Internet is based on trust in us, we value this trust, we also understand the importance of privacy to you, and do our best to protect your privacy. The personal information or sensitive personal information contained in this privacy policy is from GB/T35273 "Personal Information Security Code".



Personal information refers to all kinds of information recorded by electronic or other means that can identify a specific natural person or reflect the activities of a specific natural person, either alone or in combination with other information. It includes name, date of birth, identity document number, personal biometric information, residential address, communication contact method, communication record and content, account password, property information, credit information, travel track, accommodation information, health and physiological information, transaction information, etc., as detailed in Article 2 of this Privacy Policy.




Sensitive personal information refers to personal information that may endanger personal and property safety if leaked, illegally provided or misused, and is highly likely to lead to damage to personal reputation, physical and mental health or discriminatory treatment. It includes identity document number, personal biometric information, bank account number, communication records and contents, property information, credit information, audio/video recording information, whereabouts, accommodation information, health and physiological information, transaction information, personal information of children under 14 years old (inclusive), etc., as detailed in Article 2 and Article 7 of this Privacy Policy.




II. Information Collection


1、In order to provide better services for you, Easy Tour will follow the principle of "reasonable, relevant and necessary" and collect information with your consent, and will not collect the information prohibited by laws and regulations. At the same time, before we carry out the business involving personal information, we have carefully evaluated the necessity of the type, purpose and way of personal information to be handled, and try our best to eliminate the collection of non-essential information from the source, and if it cannot be avoided, we will clearly inform you of the specific purpose of collecting such non-essential information, and the subject of personal information will independently judge whether to agree to the handling. Considering the importance of the member service of Easy Tour, the user agrees that Easy Tour will collect all the information that you enter on Easy Tour or provide to us in other ways:



(1) When you register as a member of Easy Tour, you need to provide your cell phone number, email address and set a password to create an account of Easy Tour. The aforementioned information is sensitive information, if you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to use all of our services, but it does not affect your continued use of the search and browsing functions of the EasyPlay platform.



(2) When you log in your account, if you choose to log in the EasyPlay platform through a third party account (depending on the access system, you can choose to include WeChat, QQ, Apple, Alipay, Weibo, Baidu, etc. in PC, IOS client and Android client), after you agree to this policy, we will obtain the third party account information (avatar, nickname and other personal information you authorized to share on the page) from the third party, and will send you the information you authorized to share on the page. After you agree to this policy, we will obtain the third party account information (avatar, nickname and other personal information you authorized on the page) from the third party, and bind your third party account to your EasyPlay account, so that you can directly log in and use our services through the third party account. We will use your personal information in accordance with the agreement with the third party and in compliance with the relevant regulations. When you use the local number one-click login service provided by the telecom operator, the telecom operator will share the relevant information to us according to the service agreement you confirmed when using the service.



Please note that in the case that you use a third party account to log in to the EasyPlay platform for the first time (including the first log in after unbinding the third party account), in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of laws and regulations and to protect your account security, we will still require you to provide your cell phone number to verify your real identity. At the same time, we will realize the binding of the third party account and your account according to the cell phone number you provided. You can bind or unbind the third-party account you are associated with at any time through "Settings"->"Account Connection", and your unbinding will not affect your use of the basic functions of the EasyPlay platform.



(2) In your real name authentication, you need to provide ID card information, bank card information or third party payment institution account information, bank reserved cell phone number, facial information to verify your identity. The aforementioned information is sensitive information, if you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to use some of our services normally.


(3) When you book or purchase goods or services, you may be required to provide the name, gender, nationality, identification information, date of birth, cell phone number, email address, and micro-signal information of the user. The aforementioned information is sensitive information, if you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to complete the reservation or purchase.


(4) If you need to use postal (invoice, goods) service when you purchase products, you need to provide the name, cell phone number, fixed telephone number and delivery address information of the consignee so that your order can be delivered. The aforementioned information is sensitive information, if you refuse to provide it, delivery may not be completed.




(5) If you need to issue a paper or electronic invoice, you also need to provide invoicing information including invoice payable, email address, as well as recipient, cell phone number and delivery address information. The aforementioned information is sensitive and if you refuse to provide it, the invoice may not be issued.




(6) When you purchase products for payment settlement or when you use financial services for payment, repayment or authorization of automatic debit, you need to provide the bank card number, expiration date, bank reserved cell phone number, cardholder name, cardholder ID and card verification code information. The aforementioned information is sensitive information and if you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to complete the payment.




(7) When you contact our customer service or relevant staff providing services to obtain our customer service, you also need to provide your membership information and order information to verify your identity. This may involve sensitive information, and if you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to access our customer service.




(8) We may also be aware of your travel plans, style and preferences, including meal requirements, travel/entry/departure times, seating options, ticketing options, insurance options, and other personal information required to provide other services on the Getaway website. This may involve sensitive information, and if you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to access our customer service.




(9) When you use the financial products or services on our platform, you need to provide us with at least your name, ID card number; depending on the product, you may also need a color photo or photocopy of your ID card, bank card or third-party payment institution account information, bank reserved cell phone number, facial information (for identification, to protect your account security); according to the Chinese laws and regulations on financial-related services regulation If you do not provide information to verify the authenticity of your identity as required by the real name authentication, you will not be able to use the financial products or services. For financial risk control purposes, such as identity verification, credit eligibility, credit and solvency assessment, you may need to provide us with and allow us to collect additional information (including a valid photo ID, face image or video, contact information, address information, education information, occupation and workplace information, contact information, borrowing purpose, email address, information about income, property and credit). Some of the aforementioned information involves sensitive information, and if you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to use our financial services. Before you use such services, we will separately explain the corresponding personal information collection and use rules to you through page prompts, interactive processes, online display of agreements and various other appropriate ways, and obtain your consent.




(10) When you use our online taxi service, you need to provide us and allow us to collect the following information (including name, nickname, cell phone number, user password, identity information, audio and video recording, call records, emergency contacts, location information, trip information, flight number, log information, order information and transaction status, payment information, cash withdrawal records, bank card number and its bound cell phone number, evaluation information (including the following information, device information, IP address, cell phone recharge record). The aforementioned information is sensitive information and if you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to use or complete the use of our online taxi service.




(11) When you intend to use your student status to purchase exclusive discount air tickets, you must first complete the student status authentication and record on the corresponding page, and provide us with and allow us to collect the following information, including name, ID number, school name, year and month of enrollment, and scanned copy of documents (student ID card or admission letter). The aforementioned information is sensitive information, if you refuse to provide it, you may not be able to enjoy preferential ticketing status.




2、 You can book for other people through Easy Travel, you need to submit the personal information of the traveler, before providing us with the personal information of the traveler, you ensure that you have obtained the consent of the person, and ensure that he/she has known and accepted this privacy policy.




3、 We will collect your personal information in the course of your use of the Easy Tour service: Translated with (free version) 

(1) Log information refers to the information that will be automatically collected by the system through cookies, web beacon or other means when you use our services in order to comply with the requirements of the "Network Security Law of the People's Republic of China" and to ensure transaction security and risk control, which will be saved as relevant web logs. Including: device information or software information, including device attribute information (hardware model, OS version, device configuration, unique device identifier, International Mobile Equipment Identity Code IMEI, International Mobile Subscriber Identity Code IMSI, network device hardware MAC address, IOS system's advertising identifier IDFA, IDFV, device serial number, local number, MEID: only for CDMA system cell phone, hardware serial number, ICCID), device connection information (type of browser, telecom operator, language used), device status information (sensor list, wifi list, device sensor data, device application installation list), log information (including the information you search and view in Getaway, service failure information, referral URL, operation log information). For information collected from your various devices, we may correlate them so that we can provide you with consistent service on those devices. We may associate your device information or phone number with your Getaway account. And we use this information to provide you with security, to protect your personal and property from harm, and to better prevent phishing sites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network attacks, network intrusion and other security risks, which are the basic information we must collect in order to provide the service. (Please note that separate device information and log information is information that cannot identify a specific natural person. If we combine such non-personal information with other information to identify a specific natural person or use it in combination with personal information, such non-personal information will be treated as personal information during the period of combined use, and unless we obtain your authorization or otherwise provided by laws and regulations, we will (We will anonymize and de-identify such personal information, unless otherwise authorized by you or required by laws and regulations.)




(2) In order to accurately identify your identity and realize the safety and security function of our services, we will collect and use the international mobile device identity code IMEI and UUID of the electronic devices you use for the free travel network.




(3) The information you search or browse when using our service, the webpage or APP search terms you use, the pages you visit, and other information you browse or provide when using our service.




(4) Information contained in content you share through our Services, including shared photos or comments taken or uploaded, as well as the date and time.




(5) Location information, which means information about your location collected when you turn on the location function of your device and use the related services we provide based on your location, information about your geographic location collected through GPS, WLAN, IP address, base station and other technically permissible means, or information about your location contained in your account information provided by you, information uploaded by you or others that shows where you are or have been shared information that shows your current or former geographic location. This information is sensitive information and you can stop the collection of your geolocation information by turning off the location feature, but you will not be able to use some of the services we provide that are related to location information.




(6) Recording information means that when you contact the platform's customer service staff and specific order service providers, we will record your call information, your comments or suggestions, and the personal information you provide to check the relevant order status by means of call recording and manual entry.




(7) Video information refers to the information that some online vehicles may be installed with video recorders and other equipment when you use the platform for online taxi service, and may be recorded during your use of the service.




(8) Trip information refers to the information of your departure place, arrival place, travel track, duration and mileage collected by recording user behavior when you use the platform's online taxi service.




4、In order to provide you with more convenient, better quality and personalized products and/or services, and strive to improve your experience, we may obtain your corresponding permissions in the following services provided to you, and will promptly inform you when obtaining the permissions. If you do not turn on these permissions, you may not be able to get the user experience brought to you by these services. These services include:




(1) Location-based personalized recommendation services: we will access to obtain your location information after you turn on the location permission, provide you with page displays, products and/or services that better fit your needs based on your location information, recommend relevant product/service information in your vicinity, and use it in financial services to view and access services in your current area and to evaluate the risk situation.


(2) Camera/camera-based services: You can use this function with camera/camera privileges turned on to scan codes for logging in, shopping, receiving special offers, taking photos or videos for evaluation and sharing, as well as face recognition functions authorized by you in certain scenarios.


(3) Photo/video access and upload service based on photo album (photo library/video library): you can use this function to upload your photos/pictures/videos after enabling photo album permission for changing avatar, posting comments/shares, taking photos for shopping or communicating with customer service to provide proof functions.


(4) Microphone-based voice technology-related services: You can use the microphone after opening the microphone permission to realize the function of placing orders by voice, or contacting customer service or realizing voice interaction with customer service robots, or for recording the process of online taxi service, in which we will collect the content of your recordings to identify your needs or respond to your needs for customer service and dispute handling.


(5) Address book based services: We will collect your address book information after you have enabled your address book permissions to make it easier for you to access your contacts in your address book when shopping without having to enter them manually; in addition, to enhance your social interaction and share your shopping experience with people you know during the use of our products and/or services, we may, with your consent To help you determine whether your contacts are also our members and thus establish a connection for your communication on the Easy Tour website, members can choose to turn on or off the privacy rights of their friends to decide whether they can be searched and contacted by other members through their cell phone numbers.


(6) Calendar-based services: After you turn on our permission to read/write your calendar, we will collect your calendar information to provide you with records and reminders related to booking products/services.


(7) Services based on NFC proximity communication: After you enable NFC permission, you can use the application to read your bank card number using NFC for easy and quick input when making mobile payments.




(8) Quick call service based on calling to make a call: After you turn on the direct call permission, you can use this function to call the contact number left by the hotel directly.




(9) Clipboard-based service: When you need to share or copy the hotels, scenic spots, activities, products you are interested in, or enter the travel app from external advertisements, including entering the train ticket page, we may judge the text content on your clipboard by rules and read it once, when and only when we recognize the text that meets specific rules (such as containing both specific URL and text) These strings do not identify you, and we do not read and store other information on your clipboard. If you do not want us to read the contents of your clipboard, you can turn off the authorization to read the clipboard in Settings - System Settings (Note: the switch is only effective for this device)




(10) VoIP based feature: When you make a VoIP call, you need to minimize it. We will call your get hover window permission for your convenience.




(11) Based on account and transaction security and sharing function: we will read the running list in your phone and read the application list. We will get the information of installed applications to protect your account security, transaction security, and financial product risk control. And to achieve the sharing action.




(12) Based on the alert notification function, we will apply for notification permission, in order to send you relevant business alerts and important notifications.




(13) Based on the account transaction security and complete security payment function, we will get the fingerprint body sensor in the corresponding compliance scenario, in order to complete convenient payment and secure the account transaction security.




(14) Based on the realization of the function of using Bluetooth devices and Bluetooth headsets when making Internet calls, we will call Bluetooth permission in the corresponding scenarios.




(15) Based on the sharing function, we will obtain the account permission created by the installed application on the device, (android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS), and only obtain the application related information, not your account password).




You understand and agree that the above services may require you to enable your permissions in your device in order to enable the collection and use of information covered by those permissions. You may review the status of these permissions on an item-by-item basis in your device settings and may turn them on or off at any time at your discretion. Please note that by turning on any permission, you authorize us to collect and use the relevant personal information to provide you with the corresponding services, and by turning off any permission, you cancel your authorization, and we will no longer collect and use the relevant personal information based on the corresponding permission, and will not be able to provide you with the services corresponding to that permission. However, your decision to close the permission will not affect the previous collection and use of information based on your authorization.




5. We may collect information from affiliated companies (meaning any company that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the same entity as Control is defined as direct or indirect ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the voting rights or management rights of the enterprise), business partner sources to obtain your relevant information, such as order contact cell phone number. We will confirm the legitimacy of the source of such personal information in accordance with the agreement with our affiliates and business partners. When you make a reservation through our affiliates' and business partners' websites and their mobile applications, the reservation information you provide to them may be transferred to us so that we can process your order and ensure your smooth reservation.




6. Since the products and services we provide to you are constantly being updated, if a product or service is not described in the foregoing and information is collected from you, we will separately explain the content of the information collected to you through page prompts, interactive processes, website announcements, etc. to obtain your consent. The information is subject to the agreement of this privacy policy.




7、The above listed are basically core business functions. For third party business functions (including financial business functions provided by third parties), we will separately explain to you the corresponding personal information collection and use rules through page prompts, interactive processes, etc., and obtain your consent.




8、We will not force personal information subjects to agree to the collection of personal information only for the reason of improving service quality, enhancing the use experience, developing new products, enhancing security, etc.




  Translated with (free version)




Three, the use of information




1、Generally speaking, Easy Tour collects and uses your personal information for the following purposes:




(1) Providing services to you: We use your personal data to complete and manage your online booking. In addition, we will also provide you with related products and services through our affiliated companies, business partners and third parties.




(2) Account management: You can create an account through the Getaway website, and we will use the information you provide to manage your account and provide you with a series of practical functions, and you can use your account to perform a variety of operations, such as managing orders, adjusting personal settings, adding frequently used traveler information, viewing historical order information, order evaluation, payment management, etc.




(3) Responding to your inquiries and requests: We provide customer service to you in order to help you when you need it.




(4) Marketing activities: We may also use your information to conduct legitimate marketing activities, such as sending you product or service updates, providing you with personalized recommendations and other promotional information that may be of interest to you.




(5) Contacting you: To respond to and process your questions or requests, to send order-related information (such as reminders of successful order submission, reminders to continue with incomplete orders, etc.), we may also send you surveys or invite you to provide feedback on our services, etc.




(6) Market Research: We sometimes invite you to participate in market research to gauge your interest in our products, services and website.




(7) Data Analysis: We may use your order data for analysis to develop a user profile so that we can understand your location, preferences and demographic information or match it with data from other sources (including third parties) to develop our products, services or marketing programs and improve our services.




(8) Control of credit risk: In order to ensure the security of transactions and control credit risk, Easy Tour and its affiliates and business partners may conduct data analysis of user information and make commercial use of the results of said analysis.




(9) Daily operation: including but not limited to order management, customer verification, technical support, network maintenance, troubleshooting, internal administrative affairs and internal policies and procedures, generation of internal reports, etc.




(10) Security: In order to improve the security of your use of products and services, we may use your information for identity verification, customer service, security prevention, fraud monitoring, safeguarding the personal safety of users, etc., in order to prevent, detect, investigate fraud, endanger security, illegal or violate the agreement with us, policies or rules, laws and regulations, in order to protect you, other users, Easy Tour and affiliated companies, the partners and the public's legitimate rights and interests.




(11) Telephone Monitoring: Your calls to and from our customer service telephone numbers, online taxi drivers and other service providers may be recorded. We may use call recordings to monitor the quality of our customer service, to check the accuracy of the information you provide to prevent fraud, or for the purpose of training our internal personnel. Recordings are automatically deleted after being retained for a period of time, unless retention is required for scenarios due to compliance requirements or legitimate interests.




(12) Performance obligations: To process insurance claims and payments incurred under the relevant policy, to process commissions paid to partners or to file claims or recover payments for damages caused by service partners, etc.




(13) Legal purposes: We may need to use your information to process and resolve legal disputes or to comply with the provisions of any laws, regulations or documents issued by regulatory bodies that are binding on us for the purpose of investigating and complying with laws and regulations by state departments or regulatory bodies.




(14) In addition, we may collect, use and disclose your personal information for other purposes and inform you of such purposes by amending this statement.




(15) If we want to change the purpose of handling personal information, we will inform you by means of push notification on the website.




(2) We will make comprehensive statistics and analyze and process your information, and we may provide you with notices of marketing activities, commercial electronic information or advertisements that you may be interested in based on the aforementioned information. While you enjoy the services provided by Easy Tour, you authorize and agree that Easy Tour will send you commercial information by email, mail, SMS, telephone contact, including but not limited to the latest product information, promotion information, etc. If you choose not to accept the various information services provided by Easy Tour, you can choose to refuse such information services according to the methods we prompted (the necessary costs such as information service fees, call fees, browsing fees, etc. arising from sending relevant notices or similar operations shall be borne by you). If you have any questions during the operation, you can contact Easy Visitor Service.




3、You are fully aware that we do not need to obtain your authorized consent to use personal information in the following cases:




(1) related to national security, national defense security




(2) related to public safety, public health, significant public interest




(3) in connection with the investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments for crimes, etc;




(4) For the purpose of safeguarding the life, property and other significant legitimate rights and interests of the subject of personal information or other individuals but where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual




(5) The personal information collected is disclosed to the public by the subject of the personal information himself/herself




(6) Where your personal information is collected from information that is lawfully and publicly disclosed, such as lawful news reports, government information disclosure and other channels




(7) Necessary for the conclusion of a contract at your request




(8) Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the products and/or services provided, such as the detection and disposal of product and/or service failures;




(9) Necessary for legitimate news reporting;




(10) necessary for academic research institutions to conduct statistical or academic research in the public interest and to de-identify the personal information contained in the results when providing the results of academic research or descriptions to the public




(11) Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.




4、Provide you with products/content information display and recommendation




(1) In the process of your use of the products/services of the platform, we will collect and use your browsing records, search records, geographic location, equipment information (including equipment manufacturer, screen width and height, equipment type, equipment identifier) when you visit or use our website and client, as well as other information authorized by you, to conduct comprehensive statistics in order to understand your preferences and characteristics, so as to recommend to you more (2) If you do not like the recommended products/services, we will recommend them to you.




(2) If you do not like the recommended products, you can browse by category tags on the product display page and choose objective sorting or filtering to view the products.




(3) If you don't like the personalized recommended content information, you can go through "My" → "Settings" → "System Settings" → "Receive Personalized Recommendation" in the Travel App of Easy Travel. "Receive personalized recommendation", set whether to accept the content information we show to you through your personal characteristics. Turning off the above personalized products/services will result in you not being able to see the targeted content provided based on your personal characteristics within the APP, and only seeing the content information in the default program, thus affecting your user experience, but will not affect your use of the basic functions of the Getaway Platform.




(4) If you need to see the search results that do not target your personal characteristics when you use the search service provided by us, you can choose other objective sorting/filtering methods to set in the search result page.








IV. Information sharing, transfer and public disclosure




1. We may share your order information, account information, device information and location information with our partners and other third parties to ensure the smooth completion of the services provided to you. However, we will only share your personal information for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes, and only as much personal information as is necessary to provide the Services. Our partners include the following types (including entities within and outside of China):




(1) Suppliers: including, but not limited to, hotels, airlines, cruises, online car operators and service providers, car rentals, travel agencies, scenic spots and activity providers and agents for the purpose of fulfilling your booking needs. These suppliers may contact you as needed to complete a travel product or service.




(2) Financial institutions and third-party payment providers: When you book an order, request a refund, or purchase insurance, we may share certain order information with the financial institution or third-party payment provider, and we may further share other necessary information, such as IP addresses, with the relevant financial institution when we believe it is necessary for fraud detection and prevention purposes. When you use our financial services, such as consumer installment products, credit products, wealth management, flash travel cards, and credit card application services, we will share your identity information, contact information, bank account information, and other information necessary to meet the risk control requirements of our partner financial institutions to enable those institutions to provide you with the services you You may not use such services without our prior written consent. Before you use such services, we will separately explain the corresponding personal information sharing rules to you through page prompts, interactive processes, online display of agreements, etc., and obtain your consent.




(3) Business partners: We may work with partners to provide you with products or services, including express services, communication services, customer service, marketing, advertising, technical services, real name authentication services, consulting services, one-click login services, etc. In order to guarantee the above user service experience, our application will be implanted in the partner's SDK or other similar applications to ensure that you can provide our application to conveniently enjoy the services provided by our partners for you, we remind you to pay attention to and clearly understand the specific information of the service provider who provides services for you and how the service provider collects and uses your personal information, you can always use the following link You can check such information at any time through the following links: SDK Information Sheet: Third-party SDK information (including the name of the SDK, the name of the organization to which it belongs, the purpose, the type of personal information collected, and the information of the link to the official website).






(4) Affiliated companies: We may share your personal information, including your device identification number and networking information, with our affiliated companies to enable us to provide you with information about travel-related or other products and services.




(5) Credit agencies: If you authorize credit agencies (such as Baixing Credit, Parkway Credit) to inquire and collect your information from us, we will share your information with the credit agencies within the scope permitted by laws, regulations and regulatory policies and your authorization to the credit agencies, and we will confirm the legality of the authorized sources of personal information in accordance with the agreement with the credit agencies and in compliance with laws, regulations and regulatory policies. We will handle your personal information in accordance with the agreement with the credit institutions, confirm the legality of the authorized sources of personal information and comply with laws, regulations and regulatory policies.




For companies and organizations with which we share personal information, we will require them to handle personal information in accordance with confidentiality and security measures that comply with the law.



  Translated with (free version)


2、Transfer of information




We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except for the following:




(1) With your prior express consent or authorization;




(2) In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, the requirements of legal proceedings, mandatory administrative or judicial requirements;




(3) In the event of a merger, acquisition, asset transfer or similar transaction involving the transfer of personal information, we will disclose to you the name and contact information of the new recipient of your personal information. The new recipient undertakes to continue to fulfill the obligations of the processor of personal information. If the recipient changes the original purpose and method of processing, we will require that recipient to seek your authorized consent again.



3. Public disclosure




We will only publicly disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:




(1) Desensitized display of the winner's cell phone number or the login name of the Easy Tour website when announcing the list of winning activities;




(2) According to your needs, we will disclose the personal information specified by you under the disclosure method agreed by you;




(3) In the event that the state authorities request the disclosure of your personal information ex officio, we may publicly disclose your personal information according to the type of personal information requested and the disclosure method.



We are aware of the legal responsibilities associated with the sharing, transfer, and public disclosure of personal information.



V. Information Retention and Cross-border Transmission




1. We will keep your personal information in accordance with the principle of minimum necessary storage period. We will keep your personal information until three months after the date of cancellation of your account, unless we continue to keep your personal information for the period necessary for the purposes stated in this policy and the time limit stipulated by laws, regulations and supervision, after which your personal information will be deleted or anonymized. If we discontinue the operation of our products or services, we will promptly stop the activities of continuing to collect your personal information, notify you of the discontinuation of the operation in the form of one-by-one delivery or announcement, and delete or anonymize the personal information we hold.




2、Personal information collected and generated in our operation in the People's Republic of China is stored in the territory of China, except for the following cases:




(1) Explicitly provided for in laws and regulations;




(2) With your express authorization;




(3) your personal initiative such as cross-border transactions via the Internet. If personal information is provided outside of China for the purpose of performing the contract, our company has passed the security assessment organized by the State Internet Information Department or has been certified by a professional organization for personal information protection or has concluded a contract with the overseas recipient in accordance with the standard contract formulated by the State Internet Information Department.








VI. Use of Cookies




When you visit our website or use the services provided by us, we may identify you through small data files, which can help you save the step of repeatedly entering your registration information or help determine the security status of your account. These data files may be cookies, flash cookies, or other local storage provided by your browser or associated applications (hereinafter referred to as cookies). Please understand that some of our services may only be available through the use of cookies. If your browser or browser add-on service allows, you may modify your acceptance of cookies or refuse cookies from the EasyTrip website. In addition, you can turn off or delete similar data used by browser add-ons by changing the settings of the browser add-on or by visiting the provider's web page. However, this action may, in some cases, affect your safe access to the Easy Tour website and the use of the services provided by Easy Tour.




VII. Tips for Personal Sensitive Information



The personal sensitive information involved in this privacy policy includes: personal property type information (including bank account number, password information, asset proof information, borrowing and lending information, transaction and consumption records, virtual property information), personal health care information, personal biometric information (voice pattern, face image, face video), personal identity information (including ID card, passport, Taiwan compatriot card, home return permit, military card, driver's license household register, birth certificate, permanent resident card for foreigners, residence permit for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents, photo, marriage certificate, relationship certificate, employment certificate, unit certificate), online identification information (including account name, email address and passwords, passwords, password protection answers related to the aforementioned), and other information (including personal phone number, travel track, accommodation information, precise positioning information, call records (including personal telephone numbers, whereabouts, lodging information, location information, call records, audio and video recordings, and racial information).


This sensitive personal information will be strictly protected. The Privacy Policy reminds you that the content and information you upload or post in the use of the products and services we provide to you may disclose sensitive personal information about you. Therefore, you need to consider carefully before using the products or services we provide for you. You agree that such personally sensitive information will be handled in accordance with the purposes and in the manner set forth in this Privacy Policy.





Eight, information security and protection




1、Prosperity Tour attaches great importance to information security and has set up a special responsible team. We strive to provide you with information protection, adopt suitable management, technical as well as physical security measures, establish an information security guarantee system that is compatible with business development with reference to domestic and international information security standards and best practices, and have obtained PCI-DSS payment card industry data security standard certification.




2、From the perspective of data life cycle, we have established security protection measures in various aspects of data collection, storage, display, processing, use and destruction, etc. Different control measures are taken according to the level of information sensitivity, including but not limited to access control, SSL/TLS encrypted transmission, AES256bit or above strength encryption algorithm for encrypted storage, etc.




3. We also adopt strict management for employees who may have access to your information, and can monitor their operations. We have established approval mechanisms for important operations such as data access, internal and external transmission use, desensitization and decryption, and signed confidentiality agreements with the above-mentioned employees, etc. At the same time, we also provide regular information security training to our employees and require them to form good operating habits in their daily work and enhance their awareness of data protection.




4、Despite the aforementioned security measures, please understand that there are no "perfect security measures" on the network. We will provide corresponding security measures to protect your information according to the existing technology and provide reasonable security, and we will try our best to make your information not to be leaked, destroyed or lost.




If you find your personal information is leaked, especially your account number and password, please contact our customer service immediately so that we can take appropriate measures.




6、Please save or backup your text, pictures and other information in a timely manner. You need to understand and accept that the system and communication network you use to access our services may have problems due to factors beyond our control.




7、Security of accounts and transactions: In order to more accurately identify prevent attacks and protect your account security (including the formation of risk control labels/profiles/models, determine whether it belongs to the IP/device blacklist, whether it is a real device/simulator, whether to install risky software/App, etc.), after you agree to this privacy policy, we will automatically collect device information or software information during your use of the product. For example, your IP address and the model/version/storage space and device identifier used for your mobile device (such as IDFA/IMEI/IMSI/OAID/Android ID/OPENUDID/GUID/hardware serial number), device terminal public information (boot time, language, country, device name, system version, device Machine, carrier, physical memory capacity, hard disk capacity, system update time, device Model, time zone), SIM card information, SIM card status, device application installation/uninstallation list, process information, device MAC address, network type/network status, device connected wireless network information (such as SSSID/BSSID/status/list/MAC), WIFI status information, sensor information ( including gyroscope, light sensor, orientation sensor, magnetic field sensor, acceleration sensor), MEID (for CDMA phones only), and configuration information used to access our service through web browsers, mobile devices.




Please note that the scenarios we collect may include situations where the Getaway Travel App is switched to the background. The frequency of collection of the above information will be based on the minimum frequency required for security and risk control, and we will keep the upload frequency of unique device identifiers IMEI, IMSI, MAC, and Android ID within the minimum necessary range each time you open the app. We will protect these devices and software information through security measures such as minimization of access rights, access logging, separate storage and authorization from order information.








IX. Information Security Incident Disposal




After the unfortunate occurrence of a personal information security incident, we will start the emergency plan, and at the same time inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation of the security incident and the possible impact, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, the suggestions you can independently prevent and reduce the risk, the remedial measures for you, etc. We will inform you about the incident by push notification, etc. If it is difficult to inform the personal information subjects one by one, we will take reasonable and effective ways to publish the announcement. At the same time, we will also report the disposition of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities.




X. Information protection for minors


(1) Easy Tour attaches great importance to the protection of personal information of minors. If you are a minor under the age of 18, be sure to obtain the consent of your parents or legal guardians before using the services of Easy Tour.



(2) We will not collect personal information from minors directly. In the case of collecting personal information from minors with the consent of their guardians, we will only use, share, transfer or disclose such information as permitted by laws and regulations, the consent of the guardians or as necessary to protect the minors.



(3) As a guardian, you can check, correct and delete the information of the minor through "My"->"Common Information" after logging in the APP. If there is evidence that minors have registered and used our services without the consent of their guardians, the guardians can contact Easy Visitor Service and we will delete the personal information of the minors concerned as soon as possible after confirmation.



(4) For personal information of children under the age of 14, we will also follow the principles of legitimate necessity, informed consent, clear purpose, safety and security, and legal utilization, and store, use and disclose it in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations such as the Regulations on the Protection of Children's Personal Information Network and the Personal Information Protection Law. When you, as a guardian, choose to use the travel services for your children, we may need to collect personal information of your children for the purpose of performing the relevant services to you. If you do not provide such information, you will not be able to access the services we provide. In addition, you may voluntarily provide us with personal information about your child when you use the evaluation function, so please be aware of this and choose carefully. As a guardian, you should properly perform your guardianship duties and protect the security of your child's personal information. If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints about matters related to children's personal information, please contact us. For details, please refer to the "Rules for the Protection of Children's Personal Information and Notice to Guardians" in My-Settings-Related Agreements.



XI. User personal information management



1、You can log in to Easy Tour at any time to inquire, correct and delete your account information; modify personal information, privacy settings and security settings; modify personal information provided by you when using Easy Tour services such as delivery address and common contact information. If you have any questions during the operation, you can contact the Easy Tour service. Among them, you can enter the personal information page by logging into the Easy Travel App under "My"->"Settings"-> and then "click on the user name or user avatar" for information Click "Account Security", you can modify your login password and set your password security management; click "Login Device Management", you can manage your common login devices and protect your account information security; in "My In the "My" page, you can directly click "Common Information" to view, modify and delete the information including passenger information, contact information, address information, invoice payable information; you can also use the "Favorites" and "Footprints" functions to view your account, You can also view and delete your favorite information and browsing records through the "Favorites" and "Footprint" functions. The source and purpose of your personal information is described in "II. Information Collection", and we will disclose the identity and type of the third party who obtained your personal information in "IV. If you have any questions about the source and purpose of your personal information and the identity of the third party who obtained your personal information, you can send an email to the person in charge of personal information protection of the website, and we promise to give feedback within 15 days.




2、You can cancel your account through the following route: call the customer service phone number announced by Easy Tour, and transfer to the customer service manual service according to the voice prompt, and complete the account cancellation after the customer verification. You can also cancel your account by logging into the Travel App and going to "My"->"Settings"->"Account Security". If the account cancellation conditions are met, we will complete the account cancellation within 15 working days from the date we receive your application for account cancellation, and after the account cancellation, all the information in your account will be emptied, and we will not collect, use or share the personal information related to the account, but we still need to keep the previous information in accordance with the time required by the regulation, and the authorities still have the right to inquire in accordance with the law during the time of such storage. We will not collect, use or share personal information related to the account, but we still need to keep the previous information in accordance with the regulatory requirements, and the authorities still have the right to inquire in accordance with the law within the time of such legal preservation.






4、If you choose to open financial products or services, based on the special nature of such products and the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, each business function requires some basic personal information in order to be completed, and when you withdraw your authorization, we cannot continue to provide you with the corresponding services. At the same time, if the service you have used has not been completed, for example, the outstanding payment has not been settled, you may not be able to withdraw your authorization before the end of the service.




5、If you do not want to accept the promotional information we send you, you can cancel it at any time by the following ways:




(1) You can follow the prompts of the content of the promotional SMS to cancel the cell phone promotional SMS sent to you.




(2) You can turn off all push messages, including but not limited to promotions and trip notifications, through the message notification control center in the cell phone system settings.



6、We will judge whether the user can obtain the relevant rights and benefits through the system automatic decision mechanism based on the personal information provided by the user in some business functions such as promotional subsidy activities, issuing vouchers, coupons, and posting comments. If you disagree with the decision result. Some of the activities can be appealed through the contact information on the activity page, or you can appeal by visiting the online customer service system, or by calling the customer service number 95117, which is publicly displayed on the home page of the Easy Tour. We will promptly resolve your appeals and support manual review of the automatic decision results.




(7) Get a copy of your personal information: You can log in to the Easy Travel website at any time to check your account information, or you can check all the information of your account in "My" of the Easy Travel App, and you can click Personal Information Export on the "Personal Information Page" to get a copy of your personal information. You can get a copy of your personal information by clicking on "Personal Information Export" on the "Personal Information Page". You can also request a copy of your personal information by visiting the online customer service system, calling the customer service number 95117 displayed on the homepage of Easy Travel, or sending an email to the person in charge of personal information protection ([email protected]). We will need to verify your identity before we can provide it. Please understand that we are unable to provide a copy of your personal information directly to unrelated third parties due to the protection of your information and existing technology, and if you have such a request, we will seek alternative solutions for you within the scope of laws and regulations.



8、Response to your above request: In order to protect the security of personal information, we will handle your request in a timely manner after verifying the identity of the subject of your personal information. For your reasonable requests, we do not charge in principle, but for multiple, repeated, beyond reasonable limits requests, we will charge a certain cost fee as appropriate. We may refuse requests that are unwarrantedly repetitive, require excessive technical means (for example, requiring the development of new systems or fundamental changes to current practices), pose a risk to the legal rights of others, or are highly impractical. We will not be able to respond to your request as described above if one of the following circumstances exists, as required by law or regulation:



(1) Related to the performance of our obligations under laws and regulations;




(2) Directly related to national security or national defense security;




(3) directly related to public safety, public health, and significant public interests




(4) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments, etc;



(5) Where the controller of personal information has sufficient evidence of subjective malice or abuse of rights by the subject of personal information



(6) For the purpose of safeguarding the life, property, and other significant legitimate rights and interests of the subject of personal information or other individuals but where it is difficult to obtain his or her authorized consent



(7) When responding to the request of the subject of personal information will result in serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of the subject of personal information or other individuals or organizations



(8) Where commercial secrets are involved. Translated with (free version)



9、If you unfortunately die (including legal death and pronounced death), your next of kin may, for their own legal and legitimate interests, exercise the right to access, copy, correct and delete your personal information as provided in this chapter, unless you have made other written arrangements and notified us in time before your death.




XII. Access to our website from outside of mainland China



If you are a citizen of or access our website from outside of mainland China, please note that your information may be transferred to, stored in, and processed in mainland China. Data protection laws and other laws in mainland China may differ from those of your country, and your continued use of our services means that you waive the application of the laws of your country. By choosing to use our services, you understand and agree that your information may be transferred to our website and to third parties with whom we share information as described in this Privacy Policy.



XIII. Scope of the Privacy Policy



This Privacy Policy applies to all of our services, except for certain specific services. A specific privacy policy or agreement will apply to a specific service. The privacy policy or agreement for that particular service forms part of this Privacy Policy. If there is any inconsistency between the privacy policy or agreement of any particular service and this Privacy Policy, the privacy policy or agreement of the particular service will apply.




XIV. Modification of the Privacy Policy



Please understand that we may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time, and we will indicate the date this Privacy Policy was last updated. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your express consent. We will also provide more prominent notice of significant changes (including, for certain services, email notifications and in-app push notifications of specific changes to the Privacy Policy). Please check back frequently to read the latest version of this Privacy Policy.


Notification Module
This is the sticky Notification module. You can use it for any sticky messages such as cookie notices or special promotions, etc.